LGBTQ+ Under Attack

LGBTQ+ Under Attack
Today’s Letter

Dear Esteemed Reader,

I trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits, or at the very least, not in the clutches of a malady that compels you to seek solace in the reading of my humble musings. Today, I wish to draw your attention to a matter of great import, one that has recently emerged from the hallowed halls of our nation’s capital, a place where wisdom and folly dance hand in hand, much like a pair of mismatched shoes on the feet of a somnambulant dandy.

It appears that our esteemed leaders have taken it upon themselves to redefine the very essence of human identity, as if nature’s grand design were but a draft subject to their editorial whims. Through a series of executive orders, they have decreed that gender shall be recognized strictly as a binary construct, determined solely at birth, and immutable as the laws of physics or so they would have us believe. In their infinite wisdom, they have also seen fit to expunge all references to LGBTQ+ content from federal platforms, as if the mere mention of such matters might cause the republic to crumble like a stale biscuit under the weight of a ponderous elephant.

Now, I am but a humble observer of the human condition, with no claim to the lofty titles of legislator or moral arbiter. However, it strikes me as peculiar that those who profess to champion liberty and individual rights would endeavor to impose such rigid constraints upon the personal identities of their fellow citizens. It is as if they have appointed themselves the tailors of the human soul, measuring and cutting to fit a pattern of their own design, without so much as a by-your-leave to the individuals thus tailored.

One cannot help but marvel at the audacity of such an undertaking. To define a person’s gender solely by the circumstances of their birth is akin to judging the quality of a book by the color of its cover, without ever deigning to peruse its pages. It disregards the rich tapestry of human experience, the myriad ways in which individuals come to understand themselves and their place in the world. It is, in a word, myopic, a term which here means a lacking in foresight, like a nearsighted mole attempting to read the fine print on a contract written in disappearing ink.

Furthermore, the expurgation of LGBTQ+ content from federal platforms smacks of an attempt to erase the existence of an entire segment of our population, as if by blotting out the words, one might also blot out the people they represent. This is a folly of the highest order, akin to the ostrich burying its head in the sand to avoid the gaze of a predator. The predator, unimpressed by such antics, proceeds to make a meal of the hapless bird, while the ostrich remains blissfully unaware of its impending demise.

It is worth noting that the individuals who comprise the LGBTQ+ community are not some abstract concept or distant other; they are our friends, our neighbors, our colleagues, and our kin. To deny their existence, or to attempt to force them into a mold that does not fit, is to do violence to the very fabric of our society. It is to rend asunder the bonds of fellowship that hold us together, leaving us all the poorer for it.

In times such as these, it is incumbent upon us to recall the principles upon which this great nation was founded on principles of liberty, equality, and the pursuit of happiness. These are not mere platitudes to be trotted out on ceremonial occasions, but guiding stars by which we must navigate the often-turbulent waters of our collective existence. To abandon these principles in favor of narrow-minded dogma is to set ourselves adrift, without compass or rudder, upon a sea of ignorance and intolerance.

As I pen these words, I am reminded of a tale from my youth, when I had the misfortune of encountering a particularly obstinate mule. This creature, possessed of a singular determination to remain in one spot, could not be moved by force, cajolery, or the promise of the finest carrots this side of the Mississippi. It occurred to me then, as it does now, that there are times when stubbornness masquerades as strength, and inflexibility is mistaken for resolve. But a mule that refuses to budge is of little use to anyone, and a society that refuses to accommodate the diversity of its members is destined for stagnation and decay.

Bottom line: I would humbly suggest that our leaders reconsider their recent edicts, and instead embrace the rich diversity that is the hallmark of our nation. Let us celebrate the myriad ways in which individuals express their identities, rather than attempting to confine them within the narrow confines of a binary construct. Let us recognize that the strength of our society lies in its inclusivity, its ability to adapt and grow in response to the changing tides of human experience. And let us remember that, in the end, we are all fellow travelers on this journey, each deserving of respect, dignity, and the freedom to be true to ourselves.

Yours in earnest contemplation,

Julie Bolejack, MBA

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